Fig, Goat Cheese, and Prosciutto Pizza

Posted by on Sep 13, 2015 in Dinner

Fig, Goat Cheese, and Prosciutto Pizza

Friday night in our house is pizza night. We sometimes have the more traditional pizzas like pepperoni, but sometimes, we like to get a little creative. This is one of those times. This pizza is so delicious. It is piled with fresh figs, creamy goat cheese, thinly sliced prosciutto and then garnished with a drizzle of balsamic reduction and wilted arugula. Enjoy! Oh, I almost forgot, give it a little mist of olive oil at the end to give it a nice shine :) Ingredients

either a store bought or homemade crust (I’ll share my crust recipe soon)

for the white sauce
4 ounces cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup sour cream
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 teaspoon Kosher Salt
1/2 teaspoon white pepper (optional)

top with
mozzarella cheese (2-3 cups depending on what you like)
6 figs cut into eighths
4 ounces goat cheese
4 ounces prosciutto
2 cups arugula
balsamic reduction (store bought or homemade (I have a video recipe))

1. Cream the sauce ingredients together until well combined. Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour (overnight is fine too).
2. Par-bake your crust for 7 minutes on 400°F. *I use a pizza stone for this.
3. Spread white sauce on warm crust.
4. Add mozzarella, then figs, and goat cheese and then a little sprinkle of mozzarella (to hold it together and to be pretty :).
5. Return to oven until golden and beautiful.
6. Remove from oven and add the arugula then the prosciutto. I also like to add a little arugula over the prosciutto to make it prettier.
7. Bake for 1-2 more minutes – no more! Remove it from the oven. If you have a spray oil give it a little spray on the top to make the arugula shine. Olive oil is best but canola is fine too.
8. Let it cool for about 5 minutes. Add the balsamic reduction and enjoy!

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