
Posted by on Jan 10, 2012 in Culinary 101


Sofrito – This is the beginning of lots of different Puerto Rican recipes. I have it in the ones you need, but didn’t want anyone to have to search all over the site to find it if they wanted just the sofrito. This will make way more then you need, I make a huge batch in my food processor and freeze it in one cup portions. Feel free to scale this way down (divide by like 4 or so) especially if you don’t have a food processor. I do recommend making the extra and saving it if you have a food processor though. You are going to want to make this again and it will save some time for future recipes! Happy cooking!

how to make Puerto Rican sofritoIngredients for the Sofrito

2 bulbs garlic
2 onions
5 green bell peppers
1 bunch recao
or if you can’t find recao, cilantro

Instructions for the Sofrito

1. Peel the garlic and pulse in a food processor until it’s minced, put it in a large bowl.
2. Slice the bell peppers down the sides. Be careful of the seed packet (throw the seeds away along with the stems). Pulse the pieces of bell pepper in the food processor until they’re minced.
3. Add the minced bell peppers to your bowl of garlic.
4. Peel and quarter the onions, pulse them in a food processor just a few times then add the cilantro, pulse until the onion is minced.
5. Add the onion and cilantro to the garlic and bell pepper mixture.
6. Stir everything up to combine it.

You now have the beginning of tons of Island Dishes. Beautiful Sofrito. At this point I freeze it into one cup portions in baggies for future use. It’s a great time saver.

Please enjoy this “how to” video!

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